Return Merchandise Authorisation (RMA) Form

Thank you for reporting your defective product to us. Unfortunately due to the nature of FPV drones, products do fail from time to time.

In the first instance of a defective product or product issue, please email us: [email protected]

If you have been instructed to complete an RMA form by KiwiQuads Support, please do so at the link below.

Airtable RMA Form

Our Warranty/Replacement Process:

  1. You let us know there’s an issue with a product you purchased through our support email.
  2. We will instruct you to raise an RMA using the above form
  3. In some cases, we will need you to send the product back to us for repair or inspection of the issue.
  4. We will discuss the issue with our supplier or the product manufacturer to confirm the defective item.
  5. If confirmed and the product is in stock, we will send you a replacement. If the product is out of stock, we will raise a backorder to get you a replacement.